Dear Snarky – Watch Your Back

Dear Snarky,

I had a Christmas gift exchange with my boyfriend’s family. I gave my boyfriend of 4 years a watch that he has wanted for a long time and it cost $2,500. I’ve been saving up for a while to get him this watch.

The next day he breaks up with me! Not even the next night but that morning over text. It was like once he got his watch he was over me. In the text he said he had been thinking about how he “doesn’t feel our relationship can go the distance and it’s better to break up now then prolong something that’s never going to work out in the long run.”

I called him and he never answered his phone so I texted him and said since we’re breaking up her need to return the watch asap. I got nothing back from him. Even my email was returned so I figured he had blocked me.

When I told my family about this they were so angry. My dad and brother said for me to just give them the word and they’ll get the watch back. I kind of want to do this but I don’t know. It’s not I think my dad and brother will hurt him. It’s not like they’re the punch in the face type of guys but a part of me is worried to say yes.

What do you think?

Signed, Devastated

Dear Devastated,

I never condone violence BUT if this happened to my daughter – oh hell yeah I’d be all in on going to get that watch. Because this guy is a huge loser and he needs to get his ass kicked – metaphorically speaking. And by that I mean showing up at his door and politely explaining that he should return the watch. That said, you also need to give back the gift your former BF gave you.

What he’s doing is such a dick move not only just the watch, but the break up a 4 year relationship by text and then to block you. Granted he has every right to end the relationship but common decency would demand returning the gift you gave him a few mere hours before he broke up with you.

Now, I know you’re not ready to hear this but moving forward beware of giving expensive gifts. You want to be very careful of who you’re investing in.

Good luck and if you don’t get the watch back – think of it as the price you paid for your freedom from a loser.


Have you made a New Year’s Resolution to read more? If so may I suggest giving my books a lookie-loo? From Empty a “laugh till you cry” menopausal revenge adventure perfect for any women in your life who buys wrinkle cream in bulk to the Snarky four pack – Back to School,  Trouble in TexasFour Seasons of Snarky and Killer Dance Mom🎁

Back to School is a hysterical read for any mom currently marinating in elementary school parent drama. Trouble in Texas is a tall tale of what happens when a mother just can’t stop meddling and enlists her 40 something daughter in her schemes. And Four Seasons of Snarky is the ideal book to give to someone who needs a primer on suburban revenge plots. (The book is a series of short stories so it’s awesome for the person who doesn’t have a lot of time to read.) Killer Dance Mom is the first Snarky mystery and involves all the crazy of being a dance mom especially when a judge gets murdered.

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